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1961 35
[11th August, 1961.]
1961 35 1
Definitions. |
1—In this Act—
"the Act of 1868" means the Curragh of Kildare Act, 1868;
"the Blue Lands" means the portion of the Curragh used, immediately
before the passing of this Act, for providing rifle practice for members
of the Defence Forces and for other military purposes and defined on the
deposited map by being coloured blue;
"the Camp" means the portions of the Curragh that, immediately before
the passing of this Act, were occupied by, or adjoined an encampment or
establishment of, the Defence Forces and are defined on the deposited map
by being coloured brown;
"the Curragh" means the tract of land situate in the county of Kildare
and known as the Curragh of Kildare, and defined on the deposited map by
being enclosed by a dark green line;
"the deposited map" means the map that was deposited by the Minister in
the Ordnance Survey Office, Dublin, on the 7th day of July, 1961, is
sealed with the Official Seal of the Minister, is signed by the Minister
and has at the top thereof the words and figures "Deposited for the
purposes of any Act of the Oireachtas passed in the year 1961, to make
further provision in relation to the Curragh of Kildare and its management
and use and for that purpose to repeal the Curragh of Kildare Act, 1868,
and part of the Curragh of Kildare Act, 1870 ";
"the Green Lands" means the portion of the Curragh that does not
include the Camp or Blue Lands and is defined on the deposited map by
being coloured green;
"the Minister" means the Minister for Defence.
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1961 35 2
Vesting of Curragh in
Minister. |
2.—The Curragh, in so far as it is not already vested in the
Minister, is hereby vested in the Minister subject to the leases,
tenancies, permissions and licences in relation to any part of the Curragh
in existence immediately before the passing of this Act and subject to the
rights of way, rights of common of pasture and other rights affecting the
Curragh specified in the Curragh of Kildare Act, 1870, and in existence
immediately before the passing of this Act.
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1961 35 3
Use of Camp by Minister. |
3.—(1) The Minister shall have the exclusive use of the Camp for
the purposes of an encampment and establishment of the Defence Forces and
for purposes ancillary thereto and for any other purposes for which the
Minister may from time to time require it: provided that the public road
through the Camp shown on the deposited map and marked thereon with the
letters X and Y shall not be closed or obstructed except under and in
accordance with subsection (2) of this section or for purposes connected
with its repair or maintenance.
(2) The officer in command of the portion of
the Defence Forces stationed at the Camp may, if he so thinks fit, in case
of actual or apprehended riot or disturbance of the peace, close the road
referred to in subsection (1) of this section to the public for such
period as he thinks necessary in the circumstances or restrict or control
in such manner, to such extent and for such period as he thinks necessary
in the circumstances the user of the road.
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1961 35 4
Use of Blue Lands by
Minister. |
4.—The Minister may use the Blue Lands for the purposes and in
the manner specified in section 34 of
the Defence Act,
1954, subject to the limitation that he shall not erect, or authorise
or procure the erection of, permanent buildings
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1961 35 5
Use of Green lands by
Minister. |
5.—(1) The Minister may use the Green Lands, other than any
portion thereof that is the subject of any grant, demise, licence or
permission, for holding military exercises, for the purposes of providing
exercise, drill and recreation for members of the Defence Forces, and for
the purposes (in cases of emergency) of temporary encampment thereon and
for any other like military purposes and for the landing and taking-off of
military aircraft.
(2) Section 34 of
the Defence Act,
1954, shall not apply in relation to the Green
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1961 35 6
The deposited map. |
6.—(1) As soon as may be after the passing of this Act the
Minister shall cause a copy of the deposited map to be deposited in the
Central Office of the High Court and the Circuit Court Office for the
county of Kildare.
(2) The deposited map shall be retained in the
Ordnance Survey Office, Dublin, and the copies of it deposited under
subsection (1) of this section in the offices referred to in that
subsection shall be retained in those offices.
(3) The deposited map or copies of it and the
copies deposited under subsection (1) of this section shall be open for
inspection free of charge in the offices in which they are deposited by
any person at any time at which those offices respectively are open for
the transaction of public business.
(4) The Director of Ordnance Survey shall
prepare and supply to any person requesting it a copy of the deposited map
or any particular part thereof and shall charge for the copy such sum as
the Director may determine.
(5) Prima facie evidence of the
deposited map or any specified part thereof may be given in any court or
any legal proceedings by the production of a copy thereof purporting to be
certified to be a copy by an officer of the Director of Ordnance Survey
authorised in that behalf by the Director of Ordnance Survey, and it shall
not be necessary to prove the signature of the officer or that he was in
fact such officer or was so authorised. | |
1961 35 7
Laying of sewers, drains, cables
and pipes. |
7.—The Minister may from time to time—
( a ) lay, or authorise or procure the
laying of, such sewers and drains under, on or over the ground at the
Curragh and provide, or authorise or procure the provision of, such
ancillary works under, on or over the ground at the Curragh as he may
consider necessary for the sewering and draining of the Curragh and the
buildings thereon,
( b ) lay, or authorise or procure the
laying of, such water pipes and electric, telegraphic, telephone and other
cables and pipes under, on or over the ground at the Curragh and provide,
or authorise or procure the provision of, such ancillary works under, on
or over the ground at the Curragh as he may consider necessary, and
( c ) maintain and repair, or authorise
or procure the maintenance and repair of any sewers, drains, cables, pipes
and ancillary works laid or provided under this section or in existence at
the Curragh immediately before the passing of this
Act. | |
1961 35 8
Taking of sand, gravel and other
materials from Curragh. |
8.—The Minister may, for the purpose of the construction,
maintenance or repair of any road in or in the vicinity of the Curragh or
for the purpose of any power, duty or function of the Minister in relation
to the Curragh, raise, take and carry away, or authorise (on such terms
and subject to such conditions as the Minister thinks fit to impose) or
procure, the raising, taking, and carrying away of, any one or more of the
following substances, namely, sand, gravel, stone, clay and turf, from the
Curragh. | |
1961 35 9
Exclusion of certain roads from
the Act. |
9.—This Act (other than sections 2, 3 and 7 thereof) does not
apply in relation to the roads in the Curragh that are for the time being
maintained and repaired by or at the expense of the council of the county
of Kildare, being, immediately before the passing of this Act, the roads
coloured red on the deposited map. | |
1961 35 10
Grazing of sheep on
Curragh. |
10.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Blue Lands
and the Green Lands may be stocked and depastured in common with sheep by
the persons entitled from time to time to the rights of common of pasture
affecting the Curragh that were specified in the Curragh of Kildare Act,
(2) No right of common of pasture subsists
over or affects the Camp or those parts of the Green Lands that are
immediately before the passing of this Act the subject of a lease, tenancy
agreement or occupation licence.
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1961 35 11
Inclosure of part of
Curragh. |
11.—(1) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, the Minister
may inclose permanently, or authorise or procure the permanent inclosure
of, any part or parts of the Curragh and, if the Minister considers it
necessary for the purpose of such inclosure, the Minister may fence, or
authorise or procure the fencing of, the part or parts inclosed.
(2) Where any part of the Curragh is inclosed
under subsection (1) of this section, the rights of common of pasture in
respect of sheep affecting the Curragh shall, upon such inclosure, cease
to affect that part of the Curragh.
(3) ( a ) Where it is proposed to
inclose permanently any part of the Curragh under this section, the
Minister shall, before the inclosure is effected, procure, either by
extinguishment, alteration or modification of any one or more of the
rights of common of pasture in respect of sheep affecting the Curragh,
such reduction in the number of sheep in respect of which those rights may
be exercised as is, in the opinion of the Minister, Sufficient to ensure
that adequate grazing on the Curragh will be afforded after the inclosure
has been effected to the number then remaining.
( b ) A right of common of pasture shall not be extinguished,
altered or modified under this subsection without the consent of the
person to whom the right belongs.
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1961 35 12
Notice of inclosure of part of
Curragh. |
12.—Where it is proposed to inclose part of the Curragh
permanently under this Act, the Minister shall, not less than twenty-one
days before the date on which the inclosure will come into operation,
publish, or procure the publication of, a notice in at least one newspaper
circulating in the county of Kildare stating that it is proposed to
inclose part of the Curragh, specifying the part to be inclosed and the
date on which the inclosure will come into operation.
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1961 35 13
Temporary exclusion of sheep from
part of Curragh. |
13.—Whenever, in pursuance of section 11 of
the State
Property Act, 1954, the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for
Finance, permits any part of the Curragh to be used temporarily by the
public generally or any particular class or section of the public or the
members of any group, society, or other organisation for the purposes of a
carnival, exhibition, display, competition, race or other function, he may
exclude, or procure or authorise the exclusion of, sheep by such means,
including the erection of temporary fences, as the Minister thinks
appropriate from that part of the Curragh during the period of such
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1961 35 14
Preservation of continuing
contracts. |
14.—( a ) Every contract or agreement in writing relating
to the Curragh or any part thereof or any buildings or structures thereon,
( b ) every lease, tenancy, licence or
permission of any kind in relation to the Curragh or any part thereof or
any buildings or structures thereon,
not fully executed or completed immediately before the passing of this
Act and to which the Minister, the Minister for Finance, the Ranger
(within the meaning of the Act of 1868) or the Deputy Ranger (within the
meaning of the Act of 1868) is a party or to which any other person is, by
virtue of the Act of 1868, a party shall, notwithstanding the repeal of
the Act of 1868, continue in force on and after the passing of this Act
but any such contract, agreement, lease, tenancy, licence or permission to
which the Minister is not a party shall be construed and have effect as if
the name of the Minister were substituted therein for the name of the
Minister for Finance, the Ranger, the Deputy Ranger or that other person,
as the case may be, and the contract, agreement, lease, tenancy, licence
or permission shall be enforceable by or against the Minister
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1961 35 15
Continuance of pending legal
proceedings. |
15.—No action, suit or proceedings pending immediately before
the passing of this Act in any court or tribunal relating to—
( a ) the Curragh or any part thereof
or any building or structure thereon, or
( b ) a right of way or of common of
pasture or other right affecting the Curragh or any part thereof, or
( c ) any lease, tenancy, licence,
permission, contract or agreement of any kind in relation to the Curragh
or any part thereof, or any building or structure thereon,
and to which the Minister, the Minister for Finance, the Ranger (within
the meaning of the Act of 1868) or the Deputy Ranger (within the meaning
of the Act of 1868) is a party shall abate or be discontinued or
prejudicially affected by reason of the repeal of the Act of 1868, and in
every such action, suit or proceedings aforesaid to which the Minister is
not a party, the Minister shall on the passing of this Act become and be a
party in the place of the Minister for Finance, the Ranger or the Deputy
Ranger, as the case may be, and such action, suit or proceedings, as the
case may be, shall be continued between the Minister and the other parties
thereto accordingly.
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1961 35 16
Bye-laws in relation to
Curragh. |
16.—(1) The Minister may make such bye-laws as he thinks fit in
relation to the Curragh and the use and management thereof.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
subsection (1) of this section, bye-laws under that subsection may make
provision in relation to the Curragh with respect to all or any of the
following matters:
( a ) the prevention of trespass by animals,
( b ) the prevention of the unauthorised raising, taking or
carrying away of sand, gravel, stone, clay, turf or any other
( c ) the prevention of the passage of vehicles other than on
the public roads,
( d ) the prevention of damage to or interference with any
notice, post, railing, chain, fence or fitting or property of any
( e ) the marking of sheep and the prevention of the grazing
of sheep not marked in the manner and with the marks prescribed by, and
otherwise in accordance with, the bye-laws,
( f ) the prevention of encroachment or nuisance or acts or
omissions likely to cause damage or injury to property or persons.
(3) A person who contravenes a bye-law under
this section that is stated to be a penal bye-law shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding
twenty pounds and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a fine not
exceeding twenty pounds for each day or part of a day during which the
offence was continued and not exceeding one hundred pounds in all.
(4) The bye-laws made on the 4th day of
December, 1868, under the Act of 1868, shall, notwithstanding the repeal
of that Act, continue in force until the coming into operation of bye-laws
in relation to the Curragh made by the Minister under this section or,
with the consent of the Minister for Finance, under the State Property Act,
1954, and the bye-laws made under the Act of 1868 may be enforced by
the Minister and the penalties provided thereunder may be recovered by
summary proceedings in the District Court.
(5) Every bye-law under this section shall be
laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is
made and, if a resolution annulling the bye-law is passed by either such
House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after
the bye-law is laid before it, the bye-law shall be annulled accordingly,
but without prejudice to the validity of anything done
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1961 35 17
Repeals. |
17.—The Act of 1868 and sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Curragh of
Kildare Act, 1870. are hereby repealed.
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1961 35 18
Expenses of the
Minister. |
18.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration
of this Act shall, to such extent as my he sanctioned by the Minister for
Finance, be defrayed out of moneys provided by the
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1961 35 19
Short title. |
19.—This Act may be cited as the
Curragh of Kildare
Act, 1961.
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Curragh Lands. |

3284 Acres |
771 Acres |
815 Acres |
Total: 4870
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Source: Irish Statute Book Database
© Government of Ireland. Oireachtas Copyright Material is reproduced with
the permission of the Houses of the Oireachtas