St Paul's
Garrison Church
Curragh Camp
Until 1922 and the departure of the British
army, Anglicans worshipped in St. Paul’s Garrison church. (St. Paul, the
Apostle with his robust faith and fighting spirit has long appealed to soldiers.
It was Paul who urged Timothy to ‘fight the good fight of faith!.”) The
building was a huge wooden structure twinned architecturally with the Roman
Catholic church. Here English soldiers met for worship, though they were free to
attend local Church of Ireland parish churches. Apparently some abandoned the
garrison church during the
chaplaincy of a late nineteenth century
long-winded preacher who was once stripped by several Officers in good humoured
punishment for a notably exhausting ceremony!
The church looked after the spiritual and social
needs of soldiers through the Church of England soldiers and sailors home and
the Church of England’s men’s society. Surviving records of the latter are
fascinating. The membership was entirely made up of ranks from private to
sergeant and led by a chaplain. Events included musical evenings, chess and
draughts tournaments and lantern slides of distant lands such as Life
on a Canadian Farm and Poland Today. The
religious need — or curiosity —
of the men was met by a diverse diet of discussion topics such as ‘Hell
- Is it everlasting?’, ‘Cardinal Newman —What a loss to the Church of England’, and
apparently endless talks on the challenge of Islam. Patriotic discussion rose at
the beginning of World War One. The elegant Private Wade of the 4th Hussars
delivered a stirring address on Germany and the Germans leaving little doubt
that their defeat was guaranteed.

The more evangelically inclined Anglicans joined in the social and spiritual
facilities of the Sandes Home and the Newbridge YMCA. They
prayed and played with Presbyterians Methodists,
Baptists and othei Protestants and were encouraged tc exercise a simple and
personal Christiar faith, and to be of some spiritual help tc their fellow
In 1922, with the departure of the British army, the present Anglican church,
the attached soldiers’ home and manse, or clergy house, were handed over by
the Wesleyan Methodists to the Church of Ireland. These buildings date from

After the British left an Anglican presence continued through the Church of
Ireland. The Garrison church, had it not been burned out, would have proved
overwhelmingly large for the small community. The Wesleyan church was just the
right size. However, its interior had to be altered to suit Anglican worship and
the enormous pulpit which stood in the centre of the sanctuary was replaced by a
holy table and a small pulpit placed at the side. About twenty years ago the
interior was courageously changed from brown to blue. This helped create a
cheerful and sunny atmosphere which some other churches might be wise in
copying. There is only one (double) stained glass window, now about forty years
old, erected in memory of Major Kenneth Harbord and his son, Captain Paddy
Harbord. The first Church of Ireland chaplain was Canon Dick Madden who also
served as Rector of Ballyshannon and Ballysax. The dual function of rector of
these parishes and chaplain continued until
the ministry of Canon Freddie Knowles who
arrived in 1947 and served for twenty-four years. Canon Knowles was a universal
friend. He loved the army and its life. He and Mrs. Knowles kept an open house
for all who needed help. He was proud of the army and on his tippet (a sort of
broad black stole) he wore the army ensignia with the embroidered letters CF
- Chaplain to the Forces. After his retirement he
continued to take services. At his funeral on St. Brigid’s Day 1980, he was
given full military honours, his coffin being draped with the tricolour and his
tippet on top of the flag. Since
1979, the Dean of Kildare has served as an army
chaplain and many readers will recall with affection Deans John Patterson and
Mathew Byrne.
The congregation continues to welcome anyone with a Defence Forces connection.
The increasing international profile of military training programmes is
sometimes reflected in
the Sunday congregation, including in the recent
past Zambian cadets and Americans. In fact, anyone is welcome and we recognise
christian of any denominations as brothers and sisters in the universal church
of which the Church of Ireland is a small but unashamed member.